Ortovox First Aid Roll Doc Førstehjelpsutstyr


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kr 600
With our compact FIRST AID ROLL DOC first aid kit you are perfectly equipped on the mountain: The kit contents are neatly divided between five compartments. From the rescue blanket through gauze bandages and compresses to scissors or tweezers – in the FIRST AID ROLL DOC you have all important tools for delivering first aid.

Illustrations and captions provide information on the contents of each compartment and the correct first aid tips. Because in an emergency situation, it’s not easy to keep a clear head. That’s why they give you important guidance when it matters. In the first compartment you will also find our ORTOVOX emergency card. This gives the first aider basic information for informing emergency contacts, making emergency calls and information about the accident victim. Allergies, illnesses, contact details and personal details are all listed on the emergency card.

The first aid kit’s built-in loop ensures a good fit. This makes it easy to fasten to your belt.


1 x Rescue blanket
2 x Wound compress sterile
1 x Triangular bandage white (Vlies)
1 x Adhesive plaster spool 5 m x 2,5 cm
1 x Tweezers 8 cm
1 pair of vinyl disposable gloves
1 x CPR-face-shield
Compact pack size
Clear partitioning of contents
Quick access of contents via zipper
First aid tips for treating emergencies
Additional storage room for individual use
Loop for fastening to belt
Water resistant
1 x Emergency card
5 x Butterfly closures
1x Conforming bandage 4m x 6cm
1x Standard dressing
1x Scissors
Plaster set consisting of: 4 x Plaster strip 2,5 x 7,2 cm, 2 x Plaster strip 1,9 x 7,2 cm, 3 x Fingertip dressing 4,4 x 7,6 cm
1 x Blister plasters 3 x 6 cm

WEIGHT 220 g

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