Blue Ice Harfang Crampon Stegjern

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kr 2 199

The ultralight & hyper compact hybride crampons for ski touring & classic mountaineering.

Harfang crampons are ultralight (377g per pair without ABS) and hyper compact, designed for ski touring and classic mountaineering. With chromoly steel front rail, aluminum secondary and rear rails they offer an excellent balance between performance, weight and compactness.

Our patented concept is based on a central textile strap that connects the front and back rails and allow it to mount it in the most suitable position based on the application or the geometry of the boots. One size fits all. Using a flexible strap linking system minimizes bulk and offers a real compactness, while offering remarkable precision and comfort. The heel pivot is equipped with a micro adjustment dial to fine tune the crampon on the shoe. It is an automatic crampon, which adapts to all ski touring boots featuring a toe welt, as well as mountaineering shoes with rigid sole and toe welt. Supplied with ABS.

They are delivered in their bag which can be attached to your belt or snap into the backpack. You have your crampons close at hand without the clutter, as they are very compact. And in the bag, they take up a minimum of space ...But it is on your feet that they work the best !


Technical informations


  • Material : UHMWPE and HTPE 40mm main strap, Chromoly steel, Aluminium
  • Weight : 377g without ABS per pair and 419g with ABS per pair
  • Certifications : CE EN 893, UIAA 153
  • Shoe sizes : 35EU - 47EU
  • Heel Lever with micro adjustment • Fixed pivoting point cable attachment
  • Chromoly steel wire front bail with two mounting positions
  • TPU Active ABS to prevent snow bailling
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