Bosch PowerPack 500, Anthracite Frame-mounted battery 500Wh

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kr 9 999
The Bosch PowerPack 500 is the same size as and only slightly heavier than the PowerPack 400 but extends the range. The Lithium-ion battery requires about two hours to charge 50% and the PowerPack 500 takes approx. 4.5 hours to charge with the Bosch Standard Charger. In favourable conditions, charged and with the Performance Line Cruise in the mix, tours of up to 90 kilometres are possible. The PowerPack 500 is available for all product lines as a frame or rack battery.

Compact Charger (2A)    

Standard Charger (4A)
50% charge

3.75 h

2.25 h

100% charge        

7.50 h

4.50 h

  • 25% more range than the PowerPack 400 but only 4% heavier
  • 40-cell packs with the highest energy density (190 Wh/kg) and the lowest weight (2.7 kg) and volume
  • Integrated battery management system ensures high mileage and long service life
  • No memory effect and no self-discharge 
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